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The 44th session of the Financial Advisory Committee (FINAC-44) will be held in hybrid format on 6-7 June 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland as well as through the virtual platform Zoom. 

Documents to be discussed during the session are available below.​


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Document Number​

Document Title​​

Document links​


​Doc. 1

​Provisional agenda
​​​en​  fr​  ar  zh  es  ru​ 

Doc. 8(2)

Transfers between Appropriation Parts for the eighteenth Financial Period (2020–2023)​

​​​en​  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 
8(2) Interpart Transfers from 18th Financial Period - FINAC-44.pdf
INF. 8(1c)

Status of Members’ Contributions and Financial Situation of WMO

​​​en  fr  ar  zh​  es  r​u 
​​8(1c) Status of Members' Contributions - FINAC-44.pdf
Doc. 8(1)
Financial Statements of WMO for 2023 and the Report of the External Auditor
​​​en  fr​  ar  zh  es  r​u 
8(1) Financial Statements for 2023 - FINAC-44.pdf
INF. 8(1a)
Financial Statements of WMO for 2023
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 
INF. 8(1b)
Statement on Internal Control
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es​  r​u 
INF. 2.5(10)
Report of the External Auditor for 2023
​​​en  fr  ar​  zh  es  r​u 
2.5(10) EA_ presentation to FINAC44_ 2024_06_06.pdf
Doc. 8(4)
Resource Mobilization Strategy
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 
8(4) 2024-06_RM Strategy - FINAC-44.pdf
INF. 8(4)
Resource Mobilization Strategy
​​​en  fr  ar​  zh  es  r​u 

Doc. 10
Report on Human Resources
​​​en  fr  ar​  zh  es​  r​u 

INF. 10(1)
Report on Human Resources
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 
10(1) HR Report Presentation.pdf
INF. 10(4)
Report on Procurement
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es​  r​u
10(4) WMO Procurement Report - FINAC-44.pdf
Doc. 9(1)
Report of the Audit and Oversight Committee
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 
INF. 2.5(4)
Report of the Audit and Oversight Committee
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 
Doc. 9(3)
Annual Accountability Report of the Internal Oversight Office for 2023
​​​en  fr  ar​  zh  es  r​u​ 
INF. 9(3)

Annual Accountability Report of the Internal Oversight Office for 2023

​​​en​  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 

Doc. 9(4)
Report on activities of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and response to recommendations
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 
INF. 9(4)
Report on activities of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) and response to recommendations
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 

Doc. 9(2)
Report on the Management Action Plan for the External Auditor’s recommendations
​​​en  fr  ar  zh  es​  r​u 

​INF. 9(2)
​Report on the Management Action Plan for the External Auditor’s recommendations
​​​​en​​​​  fr  ar  zh  es  r​u 
​INF. 2.5(3)
​Report of FINAC-44 to EC-78
en  fr​  ar  zh  es  r​u ​​
